Assessment framework and guiding principles for allocation of the ACT Road Safety Fund
The ACT Road Safety Fund
The ACT Road Safety Fund (the Fund) was established in July 2015 to fund projects and initiatives related to road safety research and education and road trauma prevention, in support of the ACT Government’s road safety strategy.
The Fund is financed by a $2.50 road safety contribution which is levied by the Government on ACT motor vehicle registration. The Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate (TCCS) receives an appropriation of $700,000 each year, which is equivalent to the anticipated income from the road safety contribution.
The ACT Road Safety Fund Advisory Board
The Advisory Board comprises eight members who are appointed by the Minister for Transport and City Services. The role of the Advisory Board is to provide advice and recommendations to the Minister about the application of the Fund, including the allocation of an annual grants program.
Purpose of these guidelines
This document sets out a high-level assessment framework and guiding principles to assist the Advisory Board in reviewing grant applications and other funding proposals. The assessment framework and guiding principles are to be used as the basis for making recommendations to the Minister about the allocation of the Fund.
Road Safety Fund Grants Program
An annual Road Safety Fund Grants Program is undertaken each year. After consideration of strategic projects to the value of $400,000, the remaining funding from TCCS’s appropriation can be allocated to community grants.
The Advisory Board may recommend that the Minister agree to total grant funding of more than this remaining funding if many high-quality applications are received in any given year.
Funding of other projects and initiatives
The Fund is also used to sponsor projects and initiatives of a strategic nature. Each year the Advisory Board will seek advice from the ACT Road Safety Taskforce about any ACT Government projects or initiatives which could be progressed via the Fund. The Taskforce will be required to provide the Advisory Board with a business case or detailed project proposal, including advice as to why the project cannot be progressed within existing Government resources.
The Advisory Board will then assess all proposals from the Taskforce and seek the Minister’s agreement to funding any recommended projects.
High level assessment framework
The Advisory Board is to assess all funding proposals (both grant applications and other funding proposals) in accordance with the below assessment framework and guiding principles.
The proposal is consistent with the purpose of the ACT Road Safety Fund and the terms of reference (note 1). |
The proposal falls under one of the current strategic priority areas agreed to by the Advisory Board (note 2). |
Project would contribute to body of road safety knowledge or support road trauma reduction. |
Note 1: The Fund is to be used to provide funding to:
- road safety awareness activities including public awareness campaigns
- encourage and promote road safety education in the ACT community
- promote and stimulate research and investigation on road safety issues, and the implementation of accident and injury counter measures, especially in the area of accident prevention and injury minimisation
- support or facilitate the construction of any physical improvements to any land in the ACT to promote road safety, for example road safety audits, feasibility studies, evaluations and research into road design and construction and
- aid in the establishment of initiatives aimed at rehabilitating persons seriously injured or traumatised as a result of road accidents.
Note 2: In recommending projects for funding, the Advisory Board is to be guided by safe system principals with specific consideration to the ACT Road Safety Action Plan 2020-23, addressed by the following strategic priorities:
- Distraction
- Impaired driving (drink and drug driving)
- Vulnerable road users
- Speed management
- Sustainable and Innovative Transport
Note 3:Value for money can be assessed based on the links between proposed outcomes or projected deliverables, benefit to the community and the amount of funding sought.
Guiding principles
The Advisory Board is also to have regard to the following guiding principles for all funding proposals which meet the high-level assessment framework.
Guiding principles for community grants
- The purpose of the Road Safety Fund community grants program is to fund programs and initiatives which will improve, or contribute to improving, road safety in the ACT.
- Grants are not to be awarded for the purpose of providing working capital to support business as usual for organisations (including meeting the costs of salaries of employees). Funds may be granted for engagement of a staff member or contracting of a person (e.g. researcher) undertaking a specific and clearly defined project.
- All projects must be assessed in accordance with the high-level assessment framework. Applications which do not meet this framework will not be considered for grant funding.
- Grants will generally be for small to medium projects (up to $50,000); however, the Board may consider one-off larger projects.
- Where competing efforts are identified (i.e. the applicant is seeking to undertake work which is being progressed by another organisation), the project should identify what substantial contribution will be made to the existing body of work.
- The application should clarify that the proposal cannot be undertaken within government resources.
- All projects must be assessed in accordance with the high-level assessment framework. Applications which do not meet this framework will not be considered for funding.
- Funding can be considered for longer term, larger projects.
- Where competing efforts are identified (i.e. the proposal relates to work which is being progressed by another organisation), the project should identify what substantial contribution will be made to the existing body of work.
Guiding principles funding proposals from ACT Government agencies
- The application should clarify that the proposal cannot be undertaken within government resources.
- All projects must be assessed in accordance with the high-level assessment framework. Applications which do not meet this framework will not be considered for funding.
- Funding can be considered for longer term, larger projects.
- Where competing efforts are identified (i.e. the proposal relates to work which is being progressed by another organisation), the project should identify what substantial contribution will be made to the existing body of work.