Road resurfacing and repairs

On this page:

The annual road resurfacing program helps protect our roads and pavements from damage caused by weather and traffic. It is generally carried out over the warmer months, with additional resurfacing and repairs underway periodically over winter.

Road resurfacing works aim to:

  • waterproof the road, prevent moisture entering the road base and stop potholes forming
  • improve the skid resistance of the road surface
  • fill cracks in the pavement.

Resurfacing a road is like maintaining your house. If you don’t regularly repaint your house, the sun, wind and rain will damage the structure and you will need to undertake repairs.

See below for details on planned roadworks in Canberra and more information about our annual road resurfacing program.

Upcoming works

For information about road resurfacing over the next week please refer to the weekly maintenance update which is published every Friday.

More information about upcoming works (weather permitting) is below.

This includes additional locations for road resurfacing if time and resources permit. If crews do not attend this location on the specified date below, the area will be resurfaced on another occasion.

Thursday 13 March 2025

Day works

ActonDryandra Street (from Faunce Crescent to Ridley Street). Lane closures on occasions from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm.Road resealing
CharnwoodLhotsky Street (from Tillyard Drive to McCarthy Place). Lane closures on occasions from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm.Road resealing
MacgregorSkirving Place (from Osburn Drive to the end of the street). Lane closures on occasions from 7:00 am - 4:00 pm.Asphalt resurfacing
Royalla Monaro Highway (from Royalla Drive for approximately 3 kilometres south). Lane closures on occasions from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm.Asphalt resurfacing

Night works

GriffithCaptain Cook Crescent and Murray Crescent intersection. ROAD CLOSURE on occasions from 6:00 pm - 6:00 am.Asphalt patching
MelbaGinninderra Drive and Kingsford Smith Drive intersection. ROAD CLOSURE from 7:00 pm - 6:00 am. Detours in place.Asphalt resurfacing

Friday 14 March 2025

Day works

ActonDryandra Street (from Faunce Crescent to Ridley Street). Lane closures on occasions from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm.Road resealing
LathamFlorey Drive (near the car park to Umbagong District Park). Lane closures on occasions from 7:00 am - 4:00 pm.Asphalt resurfacing
RoyallaMonaro Highway (from Royalla Drive for approximately 3 kilometres south). Lane closures on occasions from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm.Asphalt resurfacing

Night works

GiralangGundaroo Drive and Barton Highway intersection. Northbound on Barton Highway turning west onto the Gundaroo Drive off-ramp. ROAD CLOSURE from 7:00 pm - 6:00 am.Asphalt resurfacing

Annual road resurfacing program

The annual road resurfacing program helps maintain our roads, reduces the need for repairs and reduces the noise generated by the road. Some high-traffic roads like the Tuggeranong Parkway may get 10 years out of a resurfacing treatment, while a quiet residential street may only be resurfaced every 25 years.

The 2024-25 resurfacing program is outlined below

Map of resurfacing program

View the map full screen.

List of roads by region


Alleyne Close, MacgregorRoad resealing
Beaurepaire Crescent, HoltRoad resealing
Belconnen Way, BruceRoad resealing
Boas Place, FloreyRoad resealing
Boot Place, CharnwoodRoad resealing
Braybrooke Street / Masterman Street roundabout, BruceAsphalt
Braybrooke Street, BruceRoad resealing
Chan Street, BelconnenRoad resealing
Chewings Street, FloreyRoad resealing
Cobbett Place, BruceRoad resealing
Connelly Place, BelconnenRoad resealing
Coulter Drive, Cook/BelconnenRoad resealing
Crisp Circuit, BruceRoad resealing
Crossley Close, MelbaRoad resealing
Davison Place, HoltRoad resealing
Eastern Valley Way, BelconnenRoad resealing
Egan Court, BelconnenRoad resealing
Ellenborough Street, KaleenRoad resealing
Emerton Street, EvattRoad resealing
Fenwick Place, BelconnenRoad resealing
Flack Street, HoltAsphalt
Florey Drive Int., LathamAsphalt
Forsyth Place, CharnwoodRoad resealing
Freehill Street, EvattRoad resealing
Fuhrman Street, EvattRoad resealing
Gatehouse Place, BelconnenRoad resealing
Giffen Close, HoltRoad resealing
Ginninderra Drive Int., MelbaAsphalt
Ginninderra Drive ramp to Gungahlin Drive northbound, BruceRoad resealing
Ginninderra Drive, FlynnRoad resealing
Greene Place, BelconnenRoad resealing
Gundaroo Drive, GiralangAsphalt
Gungahlin Drive, KaleenRoad resealing
Hagon Place, BelconnenRoad resealing
Harper Street, MacgregorRoad resealing
Holt Place, HoltRoad resealing
Hytten Place, BruceRoad resealing
Joynton Smith Drive, BelconnenRoad resealing
Keith Street, ScullinRoad resealing
Kerrigan Street, DunlopRoad resealing and asphalt 
Kingham Place, CharnwoodRoad resealing
Kingsford Smith Drive, FlynnRoad resealing
Kinkead Street, EvattRoad resealing
Lhotsky Street, CharnwoodRoad resealing
Luke Street, HoltAsphalt
McClure Place, EvattRoad resealing
McHugh Street, EvattRoad resealing
Mollison Street, ScullinRoad resealing
Moyes Crescent, HoltRoad resealing
Moynihan Street, EvattRoad resealing
Nevile Place, LathamRoad resealing
O'Reilly Street, MacgregorRoad resealing
Ormsby Place, HoltRoad resealing
Osborne Place, BelconnenRoad resealing
Osburn Drive, MacgregorRoad resealing
Owen Dixon Drive, McKellarRoad resealing
Pawsey Circuit, FloreyRoad resealing
Petre Street, ScullinRoad resealing
Pigdon Place, BelconnenRoad resealing
Pleasance Place, BelconnenRoad resealing
Rich Place, HigginsRoad resealing
Rich Street, HigginsRoad resealing
Sampson Close, MelbaRoad resealing
Saywell Place, CharnwoodRoad resealing
Slater Place, EvattRoad resealing
Southern Cross Drive intersection, HoltAsphalt
Southern Cross Drive, HoltRoad resealing
Starke Street (westbound), HoltRoad resealing
Stralia Place, MelbaRoad resealing
Strong Place, BelconnenRoad resealing
Stumm Place, LathamRoad resealing
Swift Place, MacgregorRoad resealing
Teakle Place, BruceRoad resealing
Tillyard Drive, FraserRoad resealing
Tom Place, CharnwoodRoad resealing
Watkin Street, BruceRoad resealing
Whelan Street, BruceRoad resealing
William Webb Drive, EvattRoad resealing
Willis Street, EvattRoad resealing
Winder Place, CharnwoodRoad resealing


Ainslie Avenue, CityRoad resealing
Antill Street, DicksonAsphalt
Aspinall Street, WatsonRoad resealing
Batman Street, BraddonRoad resealing
Bent Street/Greenway Street, TurnerRoad resealing
Boyd Street, LynehamRoad resealing
Bradfield Street, DownerAsphalt
Brigalow Street, LynehamRoad resealing
Canberra Avenue, FyshwickMicrosurfacing
Doonkuna Street Service Road, BraddonRoad resealing
Doonkuna Street, BraddonRoad resealing
Dryandra Street, ActonRoad resealing
Empire Circuit, ForrestRoad resealing
Fairbairn Ave, PialligoRoad resealing
Fawkner Street, BraddonRoad resealing
Frith Road, ActonRoad resealing
Frith Road, ActonAsphalt
Froggatt Street, TurnerRoad resealing
Glenloch Interchange, ActonRoad resealing
Goyder Street roundabout, NarrabundahAsphalt
Hindmarsh Drive, Red HillMicrosurfacing
Iron Knob Street, FyshwickRoad resealing
Jerrabomberra Avenue, NarrabundahRoad resealing
Lawson Crescent, ActonRoad resealing
Light Street, GriffithAsphalt
Majura Avenue, AinslieRoad resealing
McCaughey Street, DownerAsphalt
McGowan Place, DicksonRoad resealing
McIntyre Street, NarrabundahRoad resealing & asphalt
Mildura Street, GriffithAsphalt
Miller Street, O'ConnorRoad resealing
Monaro Highway, FyshwickMicrosurfacing
Moore Street, TurnerRoad resealing
Mouat Street, LynehamAsphalt
Mount Ainslie Drive, Campbell/MajuraRoad resealing
Mugga Lane, Red HillAsphalt
Murdoch Street, LynehamRoad resealing
Newcastle Street, FyshwickRoad resealing and asphalt
Northcott Drive, CampbellRoad resealing
Pialligo Avenue, PialligoRoad resealing
Stawell Street, TurnerRoad resealing
Stockdale Street, DicksonRoad resealing
Tallara Parkway, NarrabundahRoad resealing
Tasmania Circle (westbound), ForrestRoad resealing
Windeyer Street, WatsonRoad resealing
Woods Lane, HarmanRoad resealing


Amy Ackman Street, FordeRoad resealing
Barton Highway, NichollsAsphalt
Beal Place, NichollsRoad resealing
Colbert Close, NichollsRoad resealing
Essie Coffey Street, BonnerRoad resealing
Fitzsimmons Street, NichollsRoad resealing
Glenfell Avenue, BonnerRoad resealing
Gordon Close, NichollsRoad resealing
Grimwade Street, MitchellRoad resealing
Gungahlin Drive, FranklinRoad resealing
Gungahlin Place, GungahlinRoad resealing
Gurrang Avenue/Amagula Avenue, NgunnawalRoad resealing
Handbury Way, FordeRoad resealing
Henry Williams Street, BonnerRoad resealing
Ibis Street, NichollsRoad resealing
Ida West Street, BonnerRoad resealing
Just Place, NichollsRoad resealing
Katherine Avenue, AmarooRoad resealing
Kosciuszko Avenue, PalmerstonRoad resealing
Lucy Beeton Crescent, BonnerRoad resealing
Mabo Boulevard, BonnerRoad resealing
McClelland Avenue, NichollsRoad resealing
Mobourne Street, BonnerRoad resealing
Oodgeroo Avenue, FranklinRoad resealing
Redruth Street, CraceAsphalt 
Sarre Street, GungahlinRoad resealing
Tubman Place, NichollsRoad resealing
Wanganeen Avenue, NgunnawalRoad resealing and asphalt 
Well Station Drive, FranklinRoad resealing


Amsinck Street, WanniassaRoad resealing
Anketell Street, GreenwayRoad resealing
Athllon Drive, GreenwayAsphalt
Bayly Place, MacarthurRoad resealing
Bews Place, BonythonRoad resealing
Boddington Crescent, KambahRoad resealing
Box Hill Avenue, TharwaAsphalt
Cuthbertson Crescent, OxleyRoad resealing
Dennys Place, MacarthurRoad resealing
Drakeford Drive, BonythonRoad resealing
Drumston Street, Isabella PlainsRoad resealing
Farrelly Close, OxleyRoad resealing
Franc Place, RichardsonRoad resealing
Hammond Close, OxleyRoad resealing
Hopwood Place, KambahRoad resealing
Hurtle Avenue, BonythonRoad resealing
Johnson Drive, CalwellRoad resealing
Kinnimo Place, Isabella PlainsRoad resealing
Kirby Place, OxleyRoad resealing
Lawrence Wackett Crescent, TheodoreRoad resealing
Longmore Crescent, WanniassaRoad resealing
Macknight Place, MacarthurRoad resealing
Oakden Street, WanniassaAsphalt
O'Halloran Circuit, KambahRoad resealing
Paech Place, KambahRoad resealing
Pelloe Place, Richardson Road resealing
Rabnor Place, Isabella PlainsRoad resealing
Reynell Place, KambahRoad resealing
Schonell Circuit, OxleyRoad resealing
Shaw Place, KambahRoad resealing
Streeter Place, RichardsonRoad resealing
Vidal Place, RichardsonRoad resealing
Wheeler Crescent, WanniassaAsphalt

Woden, Weston Creek and Molonglo

Annabelle View, CoombsRoad resealing
Beasley Street, MawsonRoad resealing
Bruce Place, FarrerAsphalt
Custance Street, FarrerRoad resealing
Eggleston Crescent, ChifleyRoad resealing
Eucumbene Drive Intersection, DuffyAsphalt
Evergood Close, WestonRoad resealing
Guy Place, HolderRoad resealing
Hindmarsh Drive, DuffyRoad resealing
Hindmarsh Drive, LyonsRoad resealing
Irving Street, PhillipRoad resealing
Liardet Street, WestonRoad resealing
MacFarland Crescent, ChifleyRoad resealing
Mawson Place, MawsonRoad resealing
Mulley Street, HolderRoad resealing and asphalt
Namatjira Drive, FisherRoad resealing
Parkinson Street, WestonRoad resealing
Southee Place, FarrerAsphalt
Spoering Street, PhillipRoad resealing
Tait Place, ChapmanRoad resealing
Tuggeranong Parkway, WodenAsphalt
Wyangala Street, DuffyRoad resealing
Yamba Drive, Issacs/HughesRoad resealing
Yamba Drive, MawsonMicrosurfacing


Brindabella Road, Uriarra VillageRoad resealing
Corin Road, Paddys RiverRoad resealing
Uriarra Road, CoreeRoad resealing
Wallaroo Road, HallRoad resealing

More information

Preparing for road works in your area

Resealing work on residential streets is usually completed in a day. As crews work on multiple streets per day, the work may start any time between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

In some cases, when work is unable to be completed by the end of a day, the work may continue the following day. Most residential streets will only have work crews on site for several hours. If there are delays (e.g. due to weather) or machinery breakdowns, the work may need to be rescheduled to the next day.

If works are happening in your area you will receive a letter a week before they start. There will also be signage once the works begin.

While works are underway, please keep your:

  • car parked in your driveway
  • pets away from the road.

Do not use sprinklers to water your verge before the works begin as the road needs to be dry.

We need to prepare the road before resurfacing to help remove some existing defects and extend the pavement life. Preparation works may include patching, crack sealing, concrete kerb repairs, tree trimming and street sweeping.

Types of resurfacing

The ACT Government uses a number of different road resurfacing treatments, including:

  • Asphalt: placing a uniform layer of a mix of bitumen and aggregate on the road which is compacted while still hot. This treatment significantly strengthens the pavement and is ideal for placing on intersections, roundabouts and smaller patches. Vehicles can drive over the road once the material has been compacted. Depending on treatment used and the traffic volume on the road, it can extend the life of the road by 10 to 30 years.
  • Resealing: applying a bituminous liquid evenly over the road surface covered with aggregate which is rolled to achieve better adhesion. This can be applied multiple times to increase the surface life, provide a smoother surface and reduce road noise. The life of the surface treatment can vary between 5 to 15 years for arterial roads with high traffic and 25 years for streets with lower speeds and traffic volumes.
  • Microsurfacing: applying a thin layer of bitumen and aggregate manufactured on site. This treatment relies on the strength of the original pavement and will reflect cracks in the pavement. It can take one to three hours for the material to cure enough for the road to be ready to use. The finished product has a smooth surface.
  • Cape seal: a reseal with a layer of microsurfacing placed over the top to reduce noise emissions.
  • Rejuvenation: spraying a petroleum-based product onto the pavement to protect it from oxidation and extend pavement life. This can extend the life of the existing pavement by 5 to 10 years.
  • Thin open graded asphalt surfacing: a thin asphalt surfacing with some reduced strength compared with other treatments. This product is often used on surfaces with excess bitumen or poor skid resistance. This can extend the life of the road by about 15 years.

Night road works

The major roads throughout the ACT are not subjected to road maintenance noise restrictions.  As such, at these locations, road maintenance activities can be undertaken 24 hours a day.  Other roads throughout the ACT are subject to noise restrictions as detailed on the Access Canberra Noise standards page.

At times, road works may be undertaken at night to limit the effects on daytime traffic. Another reason for undertaking night works is to reduce the impact on the work crews in hot conditions.

Works at night near residential areas will generate noise and impact nearby residents. To minimise the impact of noise, smaller projects which only take a single night are preferred.

If night works are being undertaken in your area, you will be notified in advance either by letter or signage on the road.

After road works are complete

As soon as the traffic controllers open the road you can drive on the road. A road reseal is normally completed in one day. Sweeping will be undertaken over the following week and line markings reinstated in the following month.

There may be loose stones on the street in the days that follow. Our team will start removing loose stones the day after your street has been resealed.

Over the following weeks the sweeper will return several times to remove loose stones and then again over winter as required as the colder weather frees up more loose stones.

Some residual loose stones are required in the first few days to ensure a good cover is achieved in the resurfacing process. Over time these will become embedded into the pavement surface or be removed by the street sweeping process.

Over the next 12 months the stones on the road will pack down under traffic to produce a smoother surface.

When a road is initially resealed the noise generated by the traffic becomes more noticeable. The removal of the loose stones following the resealing will reduce the noise generated. Over time the stones will reorient themselves and the road noise will decrease.

Allergies to petroleum-based products

If you are allergic to petroleum-based products such as bitumen, kerosene and diesel, close the windows of your house and stay inside. If your allergies are severe you may want to consider being away from your house while the work is undertaken.

Contact Access Canberra on 13 22 81 if you are concerned about an allergy. A member of the resurfacing project team will contact you.

Damage to cars

If the bitumen has damaged your car, use citrus-based products to dissolve the bitumen and wash this off with soap and warm water.

If your car has been damaged by driving over the new surface, you should contact your insurance company in the first instance and make a claim on your policy.

In most cases vehicles are damaged by a passing vehicle travelling at a speed above the posted speed limit, but in cases where the damage is done by a contractor, we will review your claim.

This will involve assessing if you have a claim and then determining the value of the claim. The assessment will take at least 2 weeks.

You will need to supply the following documents:

  • The location of the incident
  • The date and time that the incident occurred
  • Details about how the damage occurred
  • A written quote for repairs
  • Photos of the damage

Contact Access Canberra on 13 22 81 to report that your vehicle has been damaged by resurfacing works. A team member will contact you to assist with the process.