Pre-development application

Early support

Pre-DA meeting requests

We encourage pre-submission reviews especially if you have some aspects of your submission that will not meet our standards or codes.

Pre-development application process

The development application and assessment page on the planning website shows all the information you will need to prepare, lodge and comment on development applications. You can also check out details about property developments around the Territory using the DA Finder+ App.

Estate development plans

The deed manager refers an estate development plan to us to check the availability of land for planned infrastructure and ensure features comply with standards and specifications.

Development application advice

Applications are referred to us to assess compliance of all public assets with urban design standards and specifications.

Landscape management and protection

A plan which shows how the nature strip and other public infrastructure assets will be protected prior to commencement of works.

Electric vehicle charging infrastructure

The Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Operational Policy applies to proposals for electric vehicle charging infrastructure and associated works on ACT Government land.

Transport Assessment and Modelling

Transport Impact Assessment is a process of compiling and analysing information on the impacts a development or infrastructure proposal may have on roads and transport networks.