Companion Animal Grants Program
A total of $200,000 in funding has been awarded through the inaugural Companion Animal Care Grants Program to support community organisations to improve animal welfare outcomes across Canberra.
Groups to receive funding through the 2024-25 Companion Animal Grants Program include:
- ACT Pet Crisis Support
- ACT Rescue and Foster
- Canberra Pet Rescue
- Canberra Street Cat Alliance
- Completely Rescued
- Labrador Rescue
- Pets and Positive Ageing
- Pets in the Park
- The Rabbit Sanctuary
Grants will be used to support a wide variety of activities within the ACT including:
- volunteer-run vet clinics to help pet owners with a Healthcare Card to care for their pets
- services for older pet owners to help them keep their pets as their health declines
- providing homeless people with companion animals access to medications to treat the chronic health conditions of their pets
- purchasing food and litter for foster carers to assist with rehoming cats in need
- training for rescue dogs to increase the chances of rehoming them
- desexing of rescue dogs to reduce the number of unplanned and unwanted litters
- upgrading animal care facilities including a cattery and small animal enclosure
- the rescue and rehoming of domestic rabbits.