Mugga Lane landfill rehabilitation works

Phytocapping preparation works update

Week commencing 1 July 2024: Phytocapping preparation works are continuing this week between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday (weather permitting).Works are expected to be completed in the coming months.

Project description

Work is underway on Mugga Lane landfill rehabilitation works.

The ACT Government is committed to restoring former landfill cells at Mugga Lane. Environmental approvals require any landfill cell approved after 5 March 2012 to have a certain type of cap built over them – called a phytocap – once they reach the end of life.

In September 2023 the ACT Government commenced preparatory site works for a phytocapping trial.

This rehabilitation process uses native plants, shrubs, grasses and trees to cap the landfill. This means it is more environmentally friendly, requires less maintenance and is more durable to extreme weather and a changing climate. It is designed to minimise leachate generation by reducing water infiltration into waste and to mitigate greenhouse emission and odour.

Preparatory work for the future planting stage involves the movement of landfill waste to increase the height of the landfill cell. The landfill waste is progressively capped with soil to minimise odour. This work commenced between September to November 2023 before being paused for the summer period.

Works then resumed in March 2024 before again being paused in May 2024 due to inclement weather and the need for equipment upgrades. Works recommenced on Monday 17 June 2024 and are continuing at present.

It is anticipated the project will take a further 20 operational days over the next few months until the cap reaches the required height. These operational days can only be undertaken Monday to Friday and only when there is low wind and no rain.

During the day when the landfill waste is exposed, the phytocapping process occasionally has the potential to generate odour, which may account for the recent smells experienced at nearby suburbs.

Waste management operators work under strict protocols agreed with the ACT Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to minimise odour where possible. These protocols include:

  • scheduling works in cooler months when the risk of odour is lower
  • progressively capping the landfill throughout the day and covering any disrupted landfill at the end of each day
  • works are ceased during periods of high wind or rainfall
  • conducting odour monitoring at the landfill site, the green waste processing facility and the recycling facility. This involves a series of surveys to assess the intensity of odours during different weather conditions and time periods.

ACT NoWaste continues to work with the EPA and the contractor to investigate improved odour mitigation options and minimise potential odour impacts on the community.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience experienced during this important environmental initiative.

Once the trial is complete the ACT Government will consider and communicate next steps.

an aerial of the phytocapping at Mugga Lane

A close up image the phytocapping at Mugga Lane

How do I find out more?

We will continue to provide updates on the project on this page.

The ACT Government wrote to residents Chisholm, Fadden, Gilmore, Gowrie and Macarthur in September 2023 and March 2024 with updates on the project. Another letter will be issued in June 2024.

Anyone with questions is able to email or call 13 22 81.

What do I do if I notice odour?

The best way for residents to communicate complaints about odour is by reporting it to Access Canberra using the online feedback form. This allows the ACT Environment Protection Agency to attend properties when the odour is being detected and cross check with weather conditions and any recent odour monitoring.