Monaro Highway upgrade

Current update

Earthworks for the approaches to the new flyover bridge over Lanyon Drive are nearing their final height. Foundation work including underground concrete piling and pile caps – which will support the weight for the bridge over Lanyon Drive – is well underway and progressing smoothly. Pavement construction in the median strip next to both the southbound and northbound carriageways has commenced as part of the highway widening.

Reduced speed limits will be in place for the duration of the work. This will generally be 60 km/h on both highway carriageways while work is underway. Temporary lane closures and speed reductions to 40 km/h will intermittently be in place outside peak periods.

The changed speed limit is required for several reasons including each of the below:

  • The project site is a very restricted work area due to the existing carriageway and available median and verge areas. This means works will be carried out in close proximity to the existing roadway and road users.
  • Temporary concrete safety barriers adjacent to travel lanes, reduced lane and shoulder widths, and temporary traffic diversions are required to accommodate the works safely.

Construction start: Utility works began on site in January 2022. The main construction works on the Lanyon Drive interchange started in January 2024.
Expected construction completion: End 2026.

Page last reviewed 29 Nov 2024

Project description

Construction is underway on Monaro Highway upgrade.

The Monaro Highway upgrade is a long-term series of road improvements which will deliver improved safety, freight efficiency and faster and smoother commutes.

The ACT and Australian Governments have committed $230 million to delivering 2 sections of the Monaro Highway upgrade. The first section was completed in July 2020. It delivered critical safety improvements, including a new overtaking lane on the Monaro Highway south of Canberra (between Old Cooma Road and Williamsdale Road).

Work is now underway on a new flyover and interchange at the intersection of Lanyon Drive and the Monaro Highway in Hume.

Preliminary design work is also underway on possible future upgrades at other locations along the Monaro Highway, including potential new grade separated interchanges at Mugga Lane/Tralee Street/Sheppard Street in Hume and at Isabella Drive. These interchanges are projects of interest subject to future government consideration. Preliminary design of the Isabella Drive interchange will incorporate possible future connections into New South Wales.

This project is jointly funded between the ACT and Australian Governments under the Commonwealth’s Infrastructure Investment Program.


The Lanyon Drive interchange has been split into 3 stages of work to ensure construction can get started on those elements which have required fewer environmental constraints and associated planning approvals. More details are provided below.

Lanyon Drive interchange

Key features

Package 1a 

Works commenced in January 2022 and included relocation and protection of major water mains and telecommunication networks. This work was completed in early 2023. Two gas main relocations started in October 2023 and were completed in February 2024.

Package 1b (current construction works)

  • New southbound flyover on the Monaro Highway over Lanyon Drive (including 3 metre wide sealed shoulders). The new bridge structure will have Indigenous artwork applied to some of the external elements.
  • Upgrading of the highway road pavement from David Warren Road through to Sheppard Street (including 3 metre wide sealed shoulders).
  • New widened bridge on the northbound carriageway over Dog Trap Creek/Woden Creek just north of Lanyon Drive.

Package 1c 

  • Roundabout at the intersection of the new Monaro Highway southbound off-ramp and David Warren Road extension.
  • Upgrading the signalised intersection at Lanyon Drive and Sheppard Street to 4 ways to include a direct connection to David Warren Road and the southbound off-ramp.
  • Removal of traffic lights at the Alexander Maconochie Centre intersection (David Warren Road).

In addition, a new walking and cycling path is being designed as part of the Monaro Highway upgrade. Once the design stage is complete, the path will be delivered as part of future stages of the project. Earthworks along the path alignment will be delivered during construction of the Lanyon Drive interchange.


Please click on the image below to view a high resolution PDF (3.3 MB).

map of upgrades

Projects of interest for future consideration

Possible future upgrades at Mugga Lane/Tralee Street/Sheppard Street in Hume and at Isabella Drive are currently being progressed to preliminary design only. These interchanges are projects of interest subject to future government consideration.

Possible features

  • New flyover on the Monaro Highway connecting Mugga Lane and Tralee Street in Hume.
  • Modification of the existing Monaro Highway/Sheppard Street intersection to allow left-in/left-out only movements to and from the Hume Industrial Precinct
  • Upgraded roundabout at Mugga Lane and associated lanes approaching the new Hume flyover as well as on-ramp access to the Monaro Highway northbound carriageway.
  • Upgrades to local streets and intersections within the Hume industrial precinct including the Tralee Street approach to the Monaro Highway and the intersection of Tralee Street and Sheppard Street.

Possible features

  • New flyover on the Monaro Highway over the Isabella Drive extension.
  • Extension of Isabella Drive from the existing Monaro Highway roundabout, including a new roundabout connecting to Tralee Street south.
  • Monaro Highway southbound off-ramp and associated lanes connecting to the Isabella Drive extension.
  • New lanes running parallel with the Monaro Highway northbound carriageway between Isabella Drive and Mugga Lane to facilitate traffic entering and exiting Monaro Highway.

Current update

Preliminary design work is continuing for the Isabella Drive and Hume interchanges. This will inform possible future projects at these locations, subject to future government consideration. As part of this design phase we will be engaging with local businesses in the Hume industrial precinct. If you are a business owner or tenant, we encourage you to get in touch with the project team via email at

The National Capital Authority (NCA) proposed an amendment to adjust the boundary for an updated Monaro Highway alignment. The amendment covers both the Isabella Drive and Hume interchanges. The updated alignment includes a widened carriageway and 2 new interchanges, which will form part of a revised road reserve. Following consultation in late 2023, this amendment has been approved. The amendment will simplify the approvals process as the majority of works are covered by one NCA planning approval. For more information see the NCA website.


Please click on the image below to view a high resolution PDF (3.0 MB).

Click to enlarge

aerial photo of construction on monaro highwayan aerial view of the Construction underway on Monaro Highway

close up of construction works on the Monaro upgrade site

Artist impression showing the future flyover.

Artist impression showing the future flyover.

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