William Hovell Drive duplication

Current update

The Development Application has been approved and a construction tender for the duplication of William Hovell Drive has been released.

Once procurement is complete and a contractor is engaged, more information will be provided on this page about construction timing. Construction is expected to take approximately 3 years to complete.

An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project has been approved and was required due to its location between two nature reserves and nearby to areas of environmental significance. The Development Application was re-notified due to changes required to meet environmental approval requirements. Amendments include changes to road design and associated infrastructure, updates to drainage design, relocation of utilities, traffic control device updates, lighting, landscaping, critter crossings and associated works.

Page last reviewed 29 Jan 2025

Project description

Construction procurement is underway on William Hovell Drive duplication with environmental approvals ongoing.

Why are we upgrading William Hovell Drive?

  • To improve the overall road alignment, capacity and safety.
  • To reduce the rate and severity of vehicular crashes.
  • To relieve the morning and afternoon congestion between West Belconnen and the City.
  • To promote active travel and support sustainable transport.

Key features of the project

  • Duplication of 4.5 kilometres of William Hovell Drive to complete its duplication from the Glenloch Interchange through to Drake-Brockman Drive.
  • A new approximately 4.5 kilometre, 3 metre wide asphalt off-road path along William Hovell Drive between Drake-Brockman Drive and John Gorton Drive.
  • 2 metre wide shoulders for on-road cyclists.
  • A new signalised intersection of Drake-Brockman Drive/Kingsford Smith Drive and William Hovell Drive (pending approvals).
  • Formalising access into the Old Weetangera Cemetery.
  • Improve and enhance the Bicentennial National Trail underpass and approaches to minimise conflict between users, particularly in areas where the trail intersects with the path.
  • Construction of 9 architecturally designed retaining walls ensuring works remain within the road reserve and limit impacts on sensitive environmental areas.

The following changes have been made to the design in response to feedback received:

  • The alignment of the off-road path between Drake-Brockman Drive and the underpass adjacent to Hawker has been relocated to the western side of William Hovell Drive (away from residences and the off-leash dog walking area). The ACT Government will mitigate the conflicts on the Bicentennial National Trail and equestrian users in the design as much as possible. The new alignment remains subject to final approvals.
  • Following further discussions with the ACT Conservator of Flora and Fauna, additional measures will be implemented to facilitate movements of wildlife between The Pinnacle and Kama nature reserves.

Still to be finalised are:

  • A landscaping plan which will include trees required for removal and how they will be offset with additional plantings. Please note 59 mature trees have been identified for removal and will be replaced with 590 new trees, at a ratio of 1:10.
  • A staging plan including construction methodology to minimise traffic during construction.

This project is jointly funded between the ACT and Australian Governments under the Commonwealth’s Infrastructure Investment Program.

This project commenced in 2018 with a feasibility study to identify the preferred option for duplication. Following this, funding was provided in 2020 to progress the study through to full detailed design including development approvals.

A draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Development Application (DA 202138722) were submitted in July 2021. Public notifications were open until 30 September 2021. We undertook additional consultation on this project via YourSay Conversations in 2021. See the What We Heard report for a summary of the feedback received.

The revised EIS and Impact Track DA were renotified by the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate in late June 2022 with representations closing in August 2022.

Included with the revised EIS was the updated noise modelling report following additional noise monitoring activities undertaken in February 2022. The findings were generally consistent with the initial report. Approximately 10 properties were identified to have predicted noise levels in 2031 up to 4 decibels higher than the criteria/target threshold. However, the use of noise reducing pavement will lower the predicted noise levels to within the criteria/target threshold and therefore this remains the intention for the upgrade of William Hovell Drive. The revised noise modelling report is available on the YourSay project page.

Furthermore, the section of the shared path between John Gorton Drive and Bindubi Street required a referral under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It was publicly notified in September 2022.

Stay updated

If you’d like to stay updated on this project, bookmark this page or email us at communityengagement@act.gov.au to be included on any project updates.


Please click on the map to view it full screen.

Map showing William Hovell Drive


Please click on the images below to view full screen.

Render looking south

Aerial render of William Hovell Drive
